Primary 5/6 - Visit to Little India

Primary 5/6 - Visit to Little India

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

2010 Chinese New Year @ Eunos Pri

Xin Nian Kuai Le..恭喜发财(Gong Xi Fa Cai)

That was how i wished my Chinese colleagues who were celebrating New Year.

We celebrated Chinese New Year in February this year and all Teachers, regardless of race and religion, wore Chinese costume on that day. The highlight of the event was when we had lion dance troupe, performing their lion dance, which believes to bring good luck to all Eunosian.

The above picture was taken in the school canteen with my colleagues, Ms Sylvian, Ms Aishah and Ms Raudah.

We had a' toss of prosperity' and enjoyed our Loh Hey!!  When you "loh hey", you literally "toss high" the yee sang into the air several times before consuming the dish. Each toss is accompanied by a shout of "loh hey" and wishes for the New Year. It is believed the higher you toss, the more luck and prosperity will come to you.
I must say that it was sooooo yummy and delicious!! Just look at the picture below:
Ms Zarina

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